
No two are alike. The combinations of sky, clouds, air and light are endless. As a day comes to a close, the sun can make a radiant splash during its departure. Tomorrow is a new day.

Some of these photos may be purchased as an 8x10 print on Kodak paper. Price is $25 postpaid to North America and Europe. Payment is accepted through PayPal. Just look for the "Buy it" button.

Bursting Through

Ham Radio Antenna


Where the Sun Sleeps

Carlsbad Bouy

La Jolla Cove

Oceanside Harbor

Dog Beach

Dog Beach

Warm Splash

Passionate Sky

General Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

Catalina Page 1 Page 2

Nautical Page 1 Page 2

NEW! Africa

NEW! Europe

NEW! Alaska

Desert Redwoods Sunsets

Vermont Florida

Las Vegas Area 51 Mono Lake